Chrysalis Energies
11.06.2015 12:00 AM

Brent Knudsen, Founder of Chrysalis Energies

My life transformation began at the age of sixteen. It was triggered by a television show depicting the destruction of the Sun, and the ending of life on Earth. This created a period of high anxiety in my young life which lead to an intense shift in my consciousness. I started to contemplate the big questions:   Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? These universal questions have guided my forty year quest for answers, leading me on a " road less traveled ", life journey.

Twenty years ago , I began to experience confusing, persistent mental images of domes and spheres. This led me into the study of sacred geometry. As the saying goes " the light bulb went on". It gave me my answers to the universal questions of existence I was unable to find elsewhere.

One day in October, 2011, I experienced a profound occurrence. It was a clear mental vision of a completed blueprint for the building of a geodesic sphere that incorporated five universal geometric shapes .

I knew instinctively, that the sphere's environment would allow people to explore aspects of who they really are beyond their physical body. The challenge was how to take this mental image and create a three dimensional building. I could not ignore the internal push to make it happen.

Synchronistic connections played out for me over a three year period, with more than a dozen creative and innovative people appearing at the right time to contribute their expertise to the building of the geodesic sphere, named   the Chrysalis .

During the construction of the Chrysalis another meaningful connection happened in my life. This was my introduction to Kim Shallcross, a biological medicine practitioner. Kim shared her personal story of how her affinity to sacred geometry inspired her to design and patent an instrument that creates a harmonic electromagnetic frequency field that resonates with all of nature.

Our synchronistic meeting resulted in a collaboration for the development and manufacturing of the enhanced version of Kim's original instrument, now called the Chrysalis E.

I am confident in my knowing that we humans are starting to wake up to the knowledge that each of us has the innate ability to experience a life that thrives, and that emerging alternative environmental health technology, will support us in our return to natural wellness.

The time in now, we choose.

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